Tooth Fairy Legend
Jul 25th 2023 - Admin

The Tooth Fairy is a tiny magical creature who arrives in the middle of the night when a child has just lost a tooth. The fairy takes the fallen tooth and leaves a special treat in its place to the delight of little children everywhere. A rite of passage that children all over the world enjoy, where did the tale of the Tooth Fairy originate?
Centuries ago in Europe, when a child’s tooth fell out, it was buried underground to, it was believed, allow a new tooth to grow in its place, as well as to ward of any evil spirits that might harm the child. This superstition carried across the ocean to America, where the legend of the Tooth Fairy was born. Parents, many of who resided in towns and cities, did not have available land in which to bury their children’s teeth. Instead, they would bury a fallen tooth in a flowerpot or planter. This custom soon evolved into “burying
g” the tooth underneath the child’s pillow, where parents would replace the tooth with a special treat while their child slept. To explain the mystery to their little ones, parents told them that an enchanting fairy, the Tooth Fairy, was responsible for the switch.
Today, children typically receive cash, in various denominations, in exchange for their teeth. Although often still buried under the child’s pillow, fallen teeth can also be placed in
tiny little boxesor pouches created especially for the Tooth Fairy to deposit her goodies. A Tooth Fairy box becomes a special keepsake for a little boy or little girl to cherish the treasures that are left behind.
What child wouldn’t adore this cute little Turtle Tooth Fairy Box