Having recently sold a second
Baptismal Shell since introducing it to the Silver and Pewter Gifts e-commerce website just a week ago, I was curious about the origin of its use over the years. I recall many baptisms and christenings where a shell was used to gently pour water over a baby’s head. I’ve also seen baptismal fonts where shells sit in the baptismal water and all who participate in the ceremony receive one as a memento commemorating the occasion. So, what then is the significance of the baptismal shell?
The answer, of course, is referenced in the Bible describing Jesus’ own baptism on the Jordan River by John the Baptist. By all accounts, John is standing beside the water with Jesus in it, and water is being poured from a shell upon Jesus’ head. That same shell has become a symbol of everlasting life. What better way to celebrate a new life?
There are many traditional gifts presented to young ones at their baptism or christening, such as
baby cups,
jewelry boxes,
baby banks,
picture frames,
baby rattles,
baby spoons, and even cash. But although these gifts make wonderful keepsakes, a Baptismal Shell is a meaningful and memorable one that will become a family heirloom to use for future generations. When custom engraved with a baby’s name and the baptism date or any other personalized option, the Baptismal Shell becomes ever more special as an expression of the love and caring of a Godparent, Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle or other family member or friend.
Imagine how special the ceremony will seem when using a beautiful silver plated
Baptismal Shell to welcome the little one into his or her new church family. The delicate embossed cross on the handle symbolizes the meaning of the occasion, while the shell bowl offers a perfect place for a custom engraved message to create a remarkable family piece that will be cherished throughout the years.